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Discover the enchanting power of love with our Natural Larimar Bracelet. This purposeful bracelet, adorned with Larimar, Rhodochrosite, Labradorite, and Angel Aura Quartz beads, is a rare find designed to attract your soulmate. Limited stock available.



Larimar, also known as the "Dolphin Stone" or "Atlantis Stone," is a rare blue variety of the silicate mineral pectolite, found only in the Dominican Republic. The serene, ocean-like hues of natural Larimar are attributed to its calming and soothing properties. This gemstone is believed to promote tranquility, communication, and emotional healing. Embraced for its association with the sea and sky, Larimar is considered a stone of relaxation and clarity. It is thought to aid in communication and self-expression, making it a popular choice for those seeking balance and harmony. With its gentle energy, Dominican Larimar is highly valued for its metaphysical and healing benefits.



Rhodochrosite, a stunning pink gemstone, is renowned for its powerful healing properties and profound symbolism. Its gentle, loving energy makes it a cherished stone for matters of the heart. As a crystal of love and compassion, it helps to heal emotional wounds, encourage self-love, and foster a sense of inner peace. The soothing vibrations of Rhodochrosite promote forgiveness, empathy, and emotional balance, making it an ideal companion for those seeking to mend broken relationships or overcome grief. This beautiful gemstone is not only visually captivating but also holds deep significance in promoting love and healing in various aspects of life.



Labradorite is a fascinating crystal with iridescent hues that display a mesmerizing play of colors. Its name is derived from the place it was first found, in Labrador, Canada. Labradorite is known for its mystical and protective properties, making it a popular choice for spiritual and healing practices. This crystal is believed to enhance intuition, promote psychic abilities, and provide a shield against negative energies. It is also associated with balancing the aura and chakras. Labradorite's shimmering display is said to awaken one's inner consciousness and bring forth transformation. Whether worn as jewelry or used in meditation, Labradorite offers a unique blend of beauty and metaphysical benefits.


Angel Aura:

Angel Aura Quartz, known for its mesmerizing rainbow iridescence, carries a deep spiritual significance. Its radiant hues symbolize the interconnectedness of the spiritual and physical realms, fostering a sense of harmony and alignment with the Universe. This crystal is revered for its ability to enhance spiritual growth and insight, facilitating a deeper connection to one's inner wisdom and intuition. Angel Aura Quartz is believed to promote emotional healing, clearing away negativity and instilling a sense of peace and tranquility. Its healing properties are thought to resonate with the crown chakra, promoting clarity of thought and higher consciousness. Embracing Angel Aura Quartz can provide a profound spiritual experience, guiding individuals towards a greater understanding of their place in the Universe.

Natural Larimar Bracelet for Love

Only 1 left in stock
  • Discover the enchanting world of Shokoros Natural Crystal Purpose Jewelry Collection. Each piece is a rare find, meticulously crafted with real crystals and infused with meaning. From popular birthstones to limited edition designs, these simple yet striking jewelry pieces are sure to captivate and inspire. Experience the power of purpose with Shokoros.

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